Tuesday, September 4, 2012

[ClermontFLReUseIt] WANTED in Clermont--baby gates/corral


We just became the caretakers for a mama cat and her litter of kittens. They are adorable! But the babies have their eyes open, and are starting to become active. I want to keep them safe. I need baby gates for various size doorways, regular and wide, preferably the adjustable and removable kind.

Also helpful would be one of those baby enclosures that are like corrals for the baby, that fold up and move around (not a playpen). The gates and enclosure should not have openings wide enough for a tiny kitten to pass through.

If you have anything suitable, please let me know ASAP! I can pick up today, within about 20-30 minutes of the Citrus Tower. Thank you! Marilyn

Recent Activity:


(Use ONLY one of these five)

OFFER: couch - location
TAKEN: couch - location (may include pending or PPU)
WANTED: garden hose
RECEIVED: garden hose
INFO: Used for tips

COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: email ClermontFLReUseIt-owner@yahoogroups.com
JOIN US in the Clermont Connection Cafe at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ClermontConnectionCafe/



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