Saturday, June 2, 2012

[OntarioCaliforniaFreecycle] Offer: puppy (ontario)


Hi guys, I have a pup here, possibly 2 1/2 months old. I found him in the alley three weeks ago, and I just can't keep him any longer. I refuse to take him to the shelter. No one has claimed him. Need to find him a loving home. I will want to meet the person and know where his will be going to make sure he goes to a good home. I don't know much about him, he eats well and sleeps a lot. He honestly looks like a rott pup but I can't be sure. Such a sweety with my son and out three month old kitten. How ever my huskey does not like him. Although he likes her. Go figure. Send me a message n I will send pics. Thank you

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