Thursday, May 10, 2012 Interior Design & Architecture Inspiration Newsletter Interior Design & Architecture Inspiration Newsletter

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Walcourt Rectangular Wood Bench

Posted: 10 May 2012 10:48 AM PDT

We are now used to having a lot of comforting, of sitting on soft and comfy cushions and avoiding hard surfaces as much as possible. Well, despite what most people might think, wooden benches can be really comfortable and useful, especially if you plan to use them outdoors. Of course cushions cannot be used there, as outdoor furniture is supposed to be left out in all kinds of weather, so this would not be a very good idea. But this Walcourt Rectangular Wood Bench does not need a cushion to be perfect. It is simple in design and amazing.

This bench is made by hand following a traditional Flemish design and also using traditional joinery. It combines traditional and modern very well and these two styles go together in an incredible way, bringing a special feature to the place. The material used is American walnut and white oak and they are carefully dried and after that joined together and handcrafted into a remarkable piece of furniture. The fact that the wood core is dried up to 7% moisture content makes the furniture really water resistant and you can leave it in the sun and in the rain all summer long and it won’t be affected a bit. The item is manufactured in USA only by order for $3,730-3,930 on Waterworks.

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The Otama Beach House Retreat in New Zealand

Posted: 10 May 2012 10:28 AM PDT

The Otama Beach House was designed as a retreat but also as a place where the owner, a New York based architect, can reconnect with his New Zeeland roots. The house is located in Coromandel, New Zealand and it was designed by David Berridge Architect for David Berridge and Cathleen McGuigan. The construction was completed in 2012.

The beach house is a space where the owner was able to blend and combine all the elements he loves. He mixed all the elements he found out he likes in the past 30 years that he spent away and the elements that he still remembers from his past and that make him feel closer to his origins. The house is situated on a pie-shaped site. The main concern for this project was to minimize the dimensions of the rooms while also creating a flexible design that also creates a connection with the outdoor areas.

Given the fact that the architect was used to living in a tight apartment, the transition from that to a spacious and open beach house could be difficult. That's why the dimensions of the rooms had to be kept as close as possible to those of the apartment. The beach house has the same exact layout and detailing as the architect's KYC kitchen. Still, it was a beach house where the connection with the outdoors was essential. That's why the living area is surrounded by decking on three sides. It's a nice transition from city to the relaxing beach.{pictures by Patrick Reynolds and found on archdaily}.

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Madrid apartment at the limit between old and modern

Posted: 10 May 2012 08:41 AM PDT

This stylish apartment dates back to 1914. It's an old structure but this only makes it more interesting. The apartment is located in Madrid and it has been recently renovated by architect Vazquez de Prada Pure Borja. After the renovation, it got a new look but with traces of the old décor. It's an eclectic mix of old and new and a beautiful example of combined styles.

It wasn't just the décor that underwent serious changes. The internal structure was modified as well. Some of the spaces had to be relocated in order to make the apartment more functional. The kitchen, for example, was moved into the former dining room. This area used to have a small corridor that was removed during the renovation. Now it's a continuous space and the transition is smoother.

Since the apartment was so old and had so many interesting elements, some of them have been preserved. They preserve the apartment's charm and are also a testimony of its history. Among the architectural details that were preserved we can mention the moldings, the original doors and knobs, the pine floors, the radiators and the brick surfaces.

The rest of the elements that were introduced are modern and create a very interesting contrast with the ones that were preserved. Even though the styles are very different, they don't clash. They harmoniously combine and create a visually striking but not disturbing contrast.{found on nuevo-estilo}.

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The fire element of Feng Shui

Posted: 10 May 2012 08:17 AM PDT

If you want to adopt a little positive energy in your home with some feng shui you probably know there are various elements you need to bring into your home decor. One of which being fire. As is the case with the various feng shui elements it's always best to express these in a subtle way, with visually pleasing and aesthetically appropriate items that go well with your home or office décor.Here we've got a few suggestions of popular items or feng shui products that best express the fire element.


Fireplaces are obviously the best place to start. If you have a chic and stylish fireplace in the home this is fundamental to adding a little fire in a subtle manner. If you don't have one, you can get one fitted. But think exactly where it will be placed. You need to place the fire element in a specific area of the home, such as South, Southwest, Centre and North East – remember if you're going to do it, do it properly.

Wall colour

Colour is one of the easiest ways to bring the needed shift in energy into your home. The fire element is expressed in several colours. Think red, deep purple or sunset orange.

Red vases

A strong presence of feng shui fire element can be brought into the home with such popular décor items as tall vases. Opt for vases in bright reds to really get the fire feel. Maybe choose vases of different heights and group them together to achieve a more dramatic look, as well as the crescendo effect of a healthy fire element.

Fire colours textiles

A really simple way to adopt the fire element is through soft furnishings. Whether it's throws, pillows, rugs or curtains in fire colours you can always find a visually pleasing way to create good feng shui in your home. Think along the lines of radiant reds, purples, yellows or oranges in natural fabrics like silk, velvet or cotton.


What you hang on your walls can also have a huge affect on the feng shui of your home. When all you have space for is a poster or a framed photo, you can still bring a healthy fire element.

Fire is such as strong element of the feng shui atmosphere in your home and is easy to achieve, but it's also easy to get it wrong. Simply by placing it in the East, Southeast, West, Northwest and North areas of the home you can create a negative energy. So, get to know the layout of your home and get it right.{picture sources:1,2,3,4 and 5}.

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The modern Capela Creu extension in Portugal

Posted: 10 May 2012 07:30 AM PDT

Capela Creu is a chapel located at a University Centre in Rua Oliveira Monteiro, 562, Porto, Portugal. The chapel recently got an extension. It was a project by Nuno Valentim and Frederico Eça from Nuno Valentim Arquitectura. The total surface of the chapel now measures 45 square meters and it has a simple and modern design.

The original chapel was also beautiful but started to become too small for the increasing number of students attending it. As a result, an extension was needed so that the chapel could achieve an area of 50 square meters. The requirements were few and simple. The extension had to have reduced costs, to open the space towards the garden and to offer maximum comfort for the users. The resulting design combined several elements.

The chapel features a triangular patio with a beautiful tree at its base and the extension features mirrored glass walls. The new extension was squeezed between an 80s building and the back of the neighboring structure. The mirror was more than just a modern element used for this project. It ended up by having multiple functions. For example, it reflects the garden and creates connection with the exterior area. The garden also had to be redesigned.

As for the interior of the chapel's extension, it's very simple. It features carpet on the floor, an opening in the ceiling from where light gets through and a large opening towards the garden mostly for the views. It's a modern and minimalist project, a reinterpretation of the traditional and ancient motifs and a liberation of all the unnecessary details.{found on archdaily and pics by João Ferrand}.

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How to turn your living room into a bedroom

Posted: 10 May 2012 06:44 AM PDT

When you have a small home, the living room is often used also as a bedroom. This means you have to find a way to use that room as a living area during the day and as a bedroom at night. However, this is not the only reason why someone would want to turn their living room into a bedroom. There’s also the possibility that the layout of the apartment is not exactly how you want it. In this case, maybe the living room would be more apropriate to serve as a bedroom and what was formerly a bedroom can be turned into an office or maybe a games room.Whatever the reason is, let’s see how you can successfully transform this room.

If the transformation needs to be complete, meaning that you want to permanently turn the living room into a bedroom, than the process is very simple. Just start decorating it as you wish in order to obtain a bedroom decor of your choice. If, one the other hand, this room will have to have a double function, than things are a little more complicated. In order to be able to preserve the living room-like look during the day but to also be able to use the room as a comfortable and cozy bedroom during the night, some of the furniture pieces will have to fulfill a double function.

The sofa, for example, should be a convertible bed. This way you can have a sofa and a bed, all in one. The coffee table can then be used as a nightstand. This function can also be fulfilled as a side table. Anyway, the idea is to have multifunctional convertible furniture. As for the rest of the decor, you should try to make the room as inviting and relaxing as possible. Some curtains would be a very good idea. They will keep the sun away in the morning and they also have a stylish look.

Finally, you should consider painting the walls in a soft, maybe pastel color. It should be something that will work both for the living room and the bedroom. Tones of beige, white, peach, light blue or even yellow would be nice choices. Also, consider including some plants in the decor. They will create a fresh and airy atmosphere.{picture sources:1,2,3,and 4}.

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The traditional Wiesler Hotel in Graz, Austria

Posted: 10 May 2012 06:20 AM PDT

Hotel Wiesler is located in Graz, Austria. It's a traditional hotel that has been around since 1909. Even so, ever since the first day it opened, the hotel never stopped evolving and improving so that the guests can have the best experience imaginable. The hotel offers 97 rooms. Even though it was built in 1909, there's one thing that never got old. It's the concept of luxury that becomes apparent from the moment you enter the hotel.

Hotel Wiesler has always been luxurious and, even though luxury has changed and doesn't mean the same thing as it did in 1909, as it evolved so did the hotel. Luxury has always been interpreted and updated but the traditional approach was preserved. The history of the hotel started in 1870 when Carl Wiesler bought five guesthouses and turned them into a hotel. In 1986 the hotel was renovated to its current style.

The hotel is visible from the Schlossberg, the city's landmark. Also, from the hotel you can see the Schlossberg. This is yet another advantage of sitting in the middle of Graz. The location is very convenient. It's close to shops, restaurants, museums and bars. You can visit all that but you can also sit comfortably in your hotel room or have dinner in the hotel's restaurant. The nice thing about this hotel is that, even though each room is different, they all share the same style and the same type of décor. Moreover, the furniture was all designed by the same artist, Piet Hein Eek.

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Dala Lounge Chair

Posted: 10 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

This thing is fresh! So fresh that it was just presented at the Salone del Mobile 2012 from Milan. This product is Stephen Burks's creation, one of the most talented designers from America. Some say that DALA is the first collection of woven furniture that unifies surface and structure, all we know is that this collection approaches new ideas introducing to the public innovative and stylish furniture but this doesn't out by just that. Under the colorfully powder-coated frame of extruded aluminum mesh there is a special ecological fabric.

This fabric took years in research and development and is being made from recycled food-and-drink packaging mixed with recyclable polyethylene; an industrial first for Dedon company.  The whole DALA collection made like this consists of a lounge chair, an ottoman and a stool that doubles very well as side table or as a single regular table. The entire collection is characterized by lightweight, portability and comfort.

The fact that these items are made from materials like aluminum and strong synthetic fibers, makes the entire collection very easy to move from the patio to the nearby beach.  To better blend into various environments the producer made this available in three joyful color schemes: sea, fire and grass which feature a pattern of stripes of various thicknesses. That special fabric I was telling you about   has kind of a distinctive luster, an almost leather-like texture making it very pleasant to touch.

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Welcoming office in San Francisco with a vertical garden inside

Posted: 10 May 2012 04:26 AM PDT

Since for a period of two years I have been staying at home with my little daughter, now I am anxious to begin my work. I am waiting forward to see my colleagues, my pupils, the school where I work and do what I know best, teach English. Probably, those who have passed the same situation as me, think of the same things especially, if they have a nice and comfortable working place. If you feel great at your office even the job seems much easier and you work with much more pleasure. Usually in these cases the results of the work are more than satisfactory and bring you a lot of satisfaction.

It is possible that the same situation is present at this welcoming office designed by the studio Jones| Haydu. It represents a space of 1,000 square foot which was designed for Buck O'Neill Builders in San Francisco's Potrero Hill area.

At the ground level there are several desk offices which are wrapped by a wood divider each of them. Thus every employee has its privacy although they are like a team as they are in the same area. The wood and glass suspended stairs take you upstairs where there is an office limited by two walls covered by greenery.

These two green areas bring some color, freshness and life inside this office. Everything is a combination of white and natural wood nuances that make this space warm, full of light and welcoming. Even the kitchen and bathroom areas keep the same combination of nuances. The modern pieces of furniture make you feel nice and relaxed while you work and perhaps it is another reason why this place is so nice.

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A bachelor’s black dream home

Posted: 10 May 2012 03:33 AM PDT

A bachelor's apartment or house is very different from any other space. There are some things that every man dreams about and wants to have in his home. They slightly differ from person to person but the idea rests the same. Most men dream about a home that looks similar to this one. This is an apartment that was designed by architect Carol Leães.

It's impressive how well a female architect can understand a man and create the perfect décor for him. This bachelor pad has a typical masculine feel. It has a very simple design with minimalist lines and simple colors. There are no details, no embelishments and no unnecessary items. The living room is very spacious, with wood flooring and matching colors for the ceiling and the walls. The furniture is all black. There's a wall that is entirely black and includes a bookcase, a storage unit and two simple and abstract paintings to complete the image.

The living room is also an entertainment space. It has a pool table, every man's dream. The sofa is simple and comfortable and features a minimalist sofa with a strategically placed Porsche book on top of it. There are also a couple of very comfortable chairs in case extra guests show up. The furniture is very simple. The main elements are comfort and simplicity. The bedroom is decorated in the same tone. It features a large, black bed with two small nightstands and nothing more. The whole apartment seems very manly and has a décor that instantly lets you know it's a bachelor's home.

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