Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Home and House Design

Home and House Design

San Francisco Bay Modern House Design – Garay Residence in California by Swatt | Miers Architects

Posted: 10 Sep 2012 08:52 PM PDT

Sitting above the San Fransisco Bay, this Garay Residence looks like a perfect site for Swatt | Miers Architects to do their remodeling and transformation project. The owners had lived in the house for many years, and planning to transform … Continue reading

Luxury Premium Airport Lounge Interior – Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse by Slade Architecture

Posted: 10 Sep 2012 08:28 PM PDT

Business class, premium class, upper class or whatever they’re referred, an ultimate service for these people should be the first on the list. Virgin Upper Class is the Virgin airways’ premium customers which is now served with the best relaxed … Continue reading

Modern Weihai Pavilion Architecture in China by Make Architects

Posted: 10 Sep 2012 08:05 PM PDT

As a popular coastal destination for holiday-makers and a major new residential development, Weihai, China has a big role on the next residential business in the country. That’s why a new exhibition space should be developed to serve an event … Continue reading


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