Tuesday, March 1, 2011

[OntarioCaliforniaFreecycle] File - Rejected Post - Reminder


If you have had your posts rejected or don't see your post appear, please
resubmit your note using making sure to use one of the four following in your subject line and also list the item.
Ads with incomplete subject lines won't be accepted.
Please remember to include your location when offering items.

OFFERED: - (your item) (city or part of town)
TAKEN: - (your item) (Only the gifter is to post a TAKEN ad)
WANTED: - (item ) (city or part of town)
RECEIVED: - (item)

It's really easy to forget the "header" in the SUBJECT line.
People do it all the time, probably daily.

Please simply resubmit your note

A sample subject line:

OFFERED: Table - Upland

TAKEN: Table - Upland

WANTED: Doghouse - Fontana

RECEIVED: Doghouse Fontana - Thanks JamesH !

Thanks for participating in Freecycle!

Ontario Freecycle
The Moderators

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