Friday, November 26, 2010



Reasons why you should buy an under counter or mini refrigerator

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:04 AM PST

The division of undercounter or mini refrigerators includes everything starting from handy refreshment coolers that can accommodate no more than a six pack of tins and can easily plug into a 12 volt outlet in your vehicle to the built in under counter freezers and refrigerators to free standing mini freezers and refrigerators found in dorm rooms. The European designed refrigerators with freezer drawers that are found in many homes today are also included in the division of built in under counter refrigerators. All of these refrigerators are multifaceted and more flexible than the full size refrigerators.

The dominant benefit of these specialty freezers and refrigerators are their compact size. Several of them are so small enough that are highly handy and can easily be used in homes, dorms and offices and also carried in trucks, cars, and campers. Other models are slightly large and heavy, making them less handy, but they are still more flexible than the full size freezers and refrigerators.

Here is a list of reasons why it is highly recommended to buy an under counter or mini refrigerator –

a) If you are living in a multi story apartment then it is not practical to visit the main floor with the kitchen every time you wish to drink some refreshment and cold water or hog on frozen treats and snacks. An under counter freezer in the family room or master bedroom could be extremely beneficial in such situations.

b) If you are living in a studio apartment or staying in a dorm then the limited space will not allow you to accommodate full size refrigerators. In such cases, a mini refrigerator will cater to your needs.

c) If you have a small kitchen then selecting under counter or mini refrigerators will open up the kitchen space and make it appear spacious.  If a single mini refrigerator in your kitchen is not enough for your family, you may place one in your dining room or bedroom.

d) Unde counter freezers and refrigerators are an ideal selection for outdoor kitchens and lawns in patio areas, where you hold an evening bar-b-q party with your friends.

e) If you are an office manager or a business owner, then installing an under counter refrigerator for cold drinks and refreshments in your conference room or office station will be extremely beneficial.

Environmentally friendly office furniture

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 01:14 AM PST

Everyone is intensifying on the same thing that is to save our planet from disastrous effects of the evils that are deforestation, over population and pollution. There are various ways to save our environment, but there could be no other better way than incorporating environmental friendly office furniture and shouldering responsibility for the environmental impact. Environment friendly office furniture offers eco conscious consumers a friendly and trendy way to decorate their office. The furniture is made out environment friendly materials that are made from harvested or recycled wood, non toxic as well as bio materials that cause less pollution than the standard furniture. They do not contain any chemical coatings or sealants on their surface and hence give way to better air quality in the office.

Environment friendly office furniture pieces are available in a wide variety, including chairs, tables, desks, room dividers, cabinets, etc. The most remarkable feature of these furniture pieces is that they are high on fashion and easy on pocket. You can easily find a product according to your requirement and style.

Here is a list of different types of environmental friendly office furniture –

Environment friendly office furniture made out of industrial scraps – Today, there is a large amount of industrial scrap that is known to harm the environment beyond our imagination. Thankfully, researchers have now found a way to use this scrap for the making of a variety of furniture pieces. These items feature washable qualities and are available in striking colors.

Environment friendly office furniture made out of cane and bamboo – Wicker or cane furniture can be stated as the most environment friendly furniture items. Both bamboo and cane grow in large quantities all across the world. The furniture pieces are handmade and no sort of machinery is used for their production, and hence they are completely free from pollution.

Environment friendly office furniture made out of egg cartons – Egg cartons made out of cardboard are of no use further. They are turned into paper pulp, which is used to manufacture baby furniture items. Small tools and desks are some popular furniture items made out of egg cartons.

Environment friendly office furniture made out of recycled fiber – Recycled fiber is an excellent material and is very much similar to homemade marshmallows. The furniture items made out of recycled fiber is extremely light in weight and boasts trendy designs. Couches, chairs, and cushions are some popular items made out recycled fiber.

Benefits of indoor fountain

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 01:10 AM PST

Indoor fountains are venerated for their exquisite and intricate designs. These fountains are assured to amaze you whenever you see them in homes, offices, reception areas or hallways. Besides their natural enticing appeal, indoor fountains possess several benefits that you might not know.

If you pondering to buy an indoor fountain for you, then here is a list of benefits they have to offer you and your home –

a) Stress relief and relaxation – Have you ever relaxed near a stream or a babbling brook and felt all your worries and stress float away with the gentle waves. If you desire to experience the same in your daily life then just install an indoor fountain. The appearance and sound of flowing water is known to relax your mind, swipe away the stress and lower the tension in your muscles and joints. Being relaxed will make you feel more energized.

b) Negative ions – In the case of ions, negative is a good thing. Our bodies need negative ions but all we do create positive ions. Running water is known to generate negative ions. Negative ions clean the air as they attract air impurities. Dust and dirt are attracted by the negative charge, and the air is purified. This allows us to breathe clean and healthy air, especially those who are prone to allergies. Furthermore, negative ions are also known to enter the blood stream and increase the serotonin level which in turn helps to alleviate depression, relieve stress, increase energy and enhance the overall mood.

c) Improved sleep, work and study – The combination of tranquil and relaxing sound along with the white noise effect filter outs the background noises that create disturbance. Indoor fountains assist in creating the perfect environment for study and work. They are highly beneficial if placed in a student's room or at the working desk. No wonder most of the offices now have indoor fountains installed in their premises.

d) Humidity – Not all of us suffer from low humidity, but many of us do. Low humidity is known to dry off everything, your eyes, your hair, your skin and even your mucous membranes. This in turn leads to dry eyes, nose, throat along with chapping and itching. Indoor water fountains are natural humidifiers. And unlike other humidifiers that force in too much of moisture into the air, indoor fountains are not known to over humidify.

How to Design a Cool Garage

Posted: 25 Nov 2010 02:43 PM PST

Using a garage space for storage of a car is a good way to maintain your car. However, owning a garage space that can also be used as a functional and attractive space is no doubt a better idea. Designing a cool garage design will allow you to use the typical garage space in a useful manner. As your tastes and needs are personal, you need to consider the features of the garage that are vital to you and how to employ the space. The design decision will rely on whether you need the space as a workshop, spare living area, music practice space or merely as an attractive and functional storage space for varied household objects.

Below is a list of steps that you need to follow in order to design a cool garage –

1) First of all, you need to decide the purpose which the garage space is going to cater.  A garage space for storage of a car is quite simpler to design rather than designing a functional garage space.

2) Secondly, you need to measure the available space in your garage area. You will also need to measure the length and width of the vehicle to ascertain the space your vehicle shall occupy. Assure that you leave two to three feet extra on all the sides, so that the car gates can open easily without hitting the walls or other objects. The leftover space will be the space that can be used for varied needs.

3) Analyze your needs and decide upon the purpose for which you are going to use the functional space. For instance, if you desire to use the space as a workshop, you need to install a hanging rack for your equipments, tools and supplies.

4) Draw a plan for your garage on a sheet of a graph paper. An easy way to do it is to allot each square for one foot. Use the measurements made for an accurate drawing. Do not forget to leave the extra space for ease of movement.

5) Use your drawing for planning your garage needs. Garages generally have unfinished sides that can be used for creating built in shelves for storage of books. High cabinets can also be incorporated as they do not block movement.

6) Use lighting and colors to make the area be functional and look cool.  You may also decorate it with art and make the garage look livelier.

More Christmas Inspiration

Posted: 25 Nov 2010 12:51 PM PST

Hope that all my Christmas post are useful and now I will show you more Christmas Inspiration pictures from a Norwegian photographer Sandra Aslaksen.Everything is clean and beautiful!

Suita Contemporary Sofa For Your Living Room

Posted: 25 Nov 2010 12:16 PM PST

You are seriously thinking of redesign your contemporary living room and need a contemporary sofa.The Suita Sofa is the perfect choice featuring a good combination of Italian flair and elegant workmanship and Swiss industrial quality and also precision.The Suita combine the classic with modern elements giving it a contemporary, lightweight, yet industrial and technical look.


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