Wednesday, November 24, 2010



The Basket Building in Ohio

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 10:51 AM PST

If you like unusual things and want to admire unusual buildings then you must go to Ohio, USA. It does not sound that interesting, but it is, believe me. Here you can admire the world’ s largest basket- shaped building. It is actually an office building and it houses the headquarters of Longaberger Basket Company. I guess that explains the unusual shape.

The guy who founded this company, Dave Longaberger, was a visionary and realized the huge opportunity to make picnic baskets and shopping baskets. And his ideas brought him fortune. So, as a thank to the apparently innocent and unimportant item, he decided to move his company headquarters into this unusually shaped building.

It is an accurate replica of a normal shopping basket and is now one of the main touristic attractions of the town.The design is perfect and accurate and all the details are preserved. For example the building has two handles attached, just like any normal picnic basket. These handles are constantly heated during the winter months so as to avoid ice and snow deposits on them.

This unique looking building was finished in December 1997 and has been housing the company’ s headquarters ever since. So if you ever go in or near Newark, Ohio, do not hesitate and visit this unique building just for the sake of seeing a true record.

How to Calculate Square Footage

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 10:47 AM PST

So you desire to improve the appearance of your room by painting the walls or installing new flooring. No matter what kind of paint or flooring you choose, you need to ascertain the square footage of the floor or the walls. Even though a little bit of mathematics is involved, calculating square footage is not going to be that tough. It is very easy to measure the square footage of a room. All you will require is a measuring tape, paper, pencil and a calculator.

Follow these step by step instructions and it will be you who will be telling people how to measure square footage from now onwards –

- You will need to have two measurements of the floor or the wall you wish to ascertain the square footage. Let us use the floor as an example. With the help of a measuring tape, measure the length of the floor in inches and note down the figure on a piece of paper. Even though we are working on square footage, it is better to measure in inches as it is very uncommon for a floor to have exact even number foot measurement. For instance, a length of a floor is more likely to have measurements such as 12 feet 4 inches instead of a whole number.

- Measure the width of the floor and note it down again on the same piece of paper.

- Once you have the length and width, multiply the two measurements to calculate the figure. You may take the help of a calculator if required. The answer you get is square inches.

- Now you need to divide the answer by 144 to express it as square footage.

The above steps apply for a rectangular or square area. If you wish to measure a triangle area then follow the below mentioned steps –

- Firstly, measure the base of the triangle.

- Secondly, you need to measure the height of the triangle.

- Now you need to multiply the base measurement with the height measurement. You may use a calculator to determine the figure. Once you get the figure, divide the amount by two. The figure you get now is the square footage of a triangle area.

For calculating the square footage of the circular area, you need to measure the radius of the circle, square it up and lastly multiply it by pie (3.1416) to determine the figure.

Minimalist Apartment in Russia, Moscow by Andrey Gorozhankin

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 09:18 AM PST

After four days in Rome, Italy I come back with more energy and ready to update my blog daily as usual.First of all I want to thanks Loredana Sava for all inspiration and idea articles that she writed when I was away.

I will start with this 80 square meter minimalist apartment designed by Andrey Gorozhankin.The apartment is located in center of Russia and was inspired from Japanese cult mixing the dark and light contrasts, vintage and modern furnitures.The material used are popular and are eco-friendly construction.

Turn Your Room Into a Study Place but Still Have It Be Your Room

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 07:25 AM PST

Today, most of the flats and apartments have limited space, and it is impossible to take out space for creation of a separate study area. However, having a study area is also very vital as it shall help you concentrate and study effectively. This does not necessarily mean that you need to have a separate place. You can easily create a separate place within a room. And the best room to create it is your bedroom.

Below is a list of steps that shall help you turn your room into a study place but still have it be your room –

1) First of all, you need to clean your room and de clutter it as it is impossible to study and concentrate if things are scattered all around the room. Placing all the things in an orderly fashion and in their respective places will assist you to study effectively.

2) Determine an open space in your room, which can be used as the study area. Assure that the area can accommodate a desk or a chest and is not close to television, music system or theatre as it may break your concentrate.

3) Get a simple desk and chair for your study area in accordance with the décor of the room. Assure that the chair and desk you buy impart complete comfort to you. It is vital that they do not strain your neck, back, legs and hands so that you can use them easily for prolonged hours.

4) The next step is to stock the study space with all equipments and tools you may require such as pens, pencils, marker, ink bottle, ruler, rubber, stapler, scissors, gum, paper, dictionary, calculator, thesaurus, etc. For the stationery items, you can use a container, cup or a tray.

5) In the center of the study place or at one end, place your desktop, notebook or laptop.

6) Store books, printed documents, papers and study material that you may need in the shelves, compartments and drawers of the study table.

7) Install a focus type lighting fixture so that you get enough light while studying and do not strain your eyes. It is better to mount a lighting fixture on a wall instead of using a table lamp as you will have extra free space on your study desk.

Make Your Room Look Like a Vampire’s Room

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 07:00 AM PST

Thanks to the increasing popularity of "the twilight", vampire related movies and books, as people are totally becoming obsessed with vampires and are evoking vampire concepts and themes for their room. However, making your room look like a vampire room is definitely a good idea. Executing the theme in your room will not only be interesting but also fun to do.

The Cullens’ house from The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Read the following design tips and put them to use if you desire to make your room like a vampire's room –

1) Firstly, you need to clean your room and keep away all the things, including decoration items that would make it appear a typical decorated room.

2) When people think of vampires, the impression that comes to the mind automatically is a picture in black color. So, the background color of the room has to be black. Walls with black paint and various decorative elements should be used to create the atmosphere of the vampire. However, keep in mind that you do not over do it. Moreover, black room absorbs a lot of heat so your room is going to be warm all the year round, especially in summers.

3) Another suitable color that may be used for vampire themed rooms is crimson red color. Crimson red color will make your room sexy and warm. You need to pair the red walls with lots of antique and black accessories.

4) Furniture in the room should be minimal. A four poster bed, gothic style cabinet, large mirror with antique frame, armoire and glass exterior will be more than enough.

5) For the furnishings of the room, again you need to go for crimson red color as black furnishings will exaggerate the appearance. Use rich satin fabric to enhance the look further. Try to place a dark area rug, preferably in black or dark brown color.

6) You need to pay a lot of attention to the lighting as well. Large and bright lighting fixtures are a complete "no" for vampire themed rooms. Use brass and antique finish antique fixtures with low voltage bulbs. You may place few candles in antique candleholders or cups in the room.

7) There are lots of accessories that can be brought from antique and thrift stores and shall help you impart the perfect gothic look to your room. Old mirrors, picture frames, ornate accouterments, candelabras will add mystery to the room.

Pink bathroom

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 01:59 PM PST

Normally people choose neutral colors for the bathroom like yellow, light green or most of the times white. Very few people though have the courage to paint their bathrooms in colors that are associated with one sex or another , for example pink for the girls and blue for the boys. Of course this does not mean that if I have a blue bathroom only boys are allowed in it. But still, the human mind is an intriguing tool.

I , for example, love pink bathrooms, but those painted and arranged with style, in nice and warm colors and not those bathrooms that have an electric pink on the walls that make you feel sick. Here, like in any other field, too much is too much and if you keep things simple they will look better, too.

I like this particular shade of pink that is very sweet and kind, soothing the senses and being pleasant for the eyes. Besides, it can be very easily combined with white, for example a nice little white vanity in your pink bathroom and with a white fluffy carpet where the size of the bathroom allows it.

Another perfect combination might be with brown furniture and the overall aspect will be one of cleanliness and style and elegance. Either in the small bathroom of an apartment in the block or in a sumptuous villa on the shore of the ocean, the pink bathroom is a good choice.

The Liquid Lamp

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 01:58 PM PST

If you are a funny guy and want to make a special crazy gift to your friend and also if you have a dark sense of humor and simply love Halloween, you will surely love this Liquid Lamp designed by the Japanese artist Kouichi Okamoto. The lamp shade looks just like a bucket of red paint or … yes … blood that was accidentally turned over and spilled its content. It looks so realistic, especially if you place it on a white background, that you will certainly hear a few cries if you bring some girls at home.

This funny lamp is available in desk version and in another version that can be used for the wall, but both look incredibly real. I mean you would swear there has been a murder in there a few minutes ago. There is a totally white version of this lamp which is for those with soft tastes and they will probably think they just spilled milk, but I honestly like this red one better.

Thanksgiving pillows

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 01:41 PM PST

Well, I know some of you are sick and tired of the subject, but bear two more days and you won’t hear about it for another year. So Thanksgiving Day is near and it is celebrated in many countries, not only USA. I don’t know if all those who celebrate it really know the history of this special day, but the important thing is that you gather with friends and family and sometimes remember to help those less fortunate, which is a totally positive message.

But sometimes, people feel the need to turn this holiday into a little Christmas, something like a total decoration of the house. The old ladies take out all kinds of special decorations and show them off, being really proud of them. This is how you find out that your granny knows how to make embroidery and also sow a very nice turkey pattern on a pillow case.

I really like these pillow cases and I honestly wish I knew how to make these real works of art, but I find it a lot easier to buy them from the store, so … problem solved. They look so lovely and bring a bit of that happiness and feeling of richness and plenitude, that you could use them all year long.

Dolphin bathroom faucet from Aquadis

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 12:31 PM PST

Most people have normal faucets in their bathrooms because they think more of the practical utility of the object and less of the design. So if it is simple and works perfectly then it serves its purpose entirely and is perfect just the way it is. However, there are some other people who think that having regular normal things, even if we are talking about bathroom faucets, is simply too boring and they prefer having different looking possessions. They will definitely think of purchasing a dolphin bathroom faucet instead of a simple plain faucet. And I totally agree.

Look at these pictures and you will see that these bathroom faucets that are shaped like dolphins are really cute and original. They are perfect to e used for supplying water, as dolphins live in the water and are easily associated with water. The nice curved shape of the dolphins body is anything but monotonous and it suggests grace and skill.

These bathroom faucets have different models of handles you can choose from and are made of polished and shiny brushed nickel or chrome and can be ordered directly online.

Thanksgiving table cloth

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 11:44 AM PST

Thanksgiving Day is only one step away and those who organize a big family dinner at their homes now have the last preparations. But even if you have all the food and drinks, the gravy sauce, the table and chairs, the silverware and the plates arranged for welcoming the guests, you still need one more thing to make the Thanksgiving Day more festive and really special. And that is … Thanksgiving Day table cloth.

The table cloth covers the table and if it has the right motifs and decorations it will fit perfectly the Thanksgiving atmosphere and will make everything look perfect. Obviously, the color of the day will be orange, so the table cloth will have to be orange or brown or any other shade reminding you of rich crops and fall. If it has a turkey on, than it’s more than perfect since the turkey is the symbol of the day.

Cornucopia is also a perfect symbol to be found on the Thanksgiving Day table cloth, since it symbolizes the rich crops and everlasting wealth. You can choose different patterns and models, different colors, depending on your taste. You can have an entirely colored table cloth or maybe one that is white or yellow and has only some symbolic decorations around the edges. The perfect example is this nice looking table cloth with the turkey pattern and a stylized story of the first Thanksgiving.

But whatever your choice might be, I am sure you will all feel really well together with family and friends and, why not, less fortunate guests.


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