Tuesday, November 23, 2010



Stadler Form Viktor air purifier

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 10:25 AM PST

Today one in five people is allergic to something and does not know that. That happens because of pollution, because of the many chemicals dumped into the environment – in the water, in the air and in the soil – all of them eventually get onto our skin and affect it in a bad way, causing allergic reactions as a form of protest. Many of them get into our lungs, as we inhale them together with the air we breathe and cause asthma and allergies.

Now you have the possibility to use a special home appliance called air purifier. And this is exactly what it does: purifies the air in a house. That means that it filters all the allergens in the air, the pollen, the dust and even smoke and bacteria. So after the air is filtered with this air purifier manufactured by Stadler, it will be perfectly safe to to be inhaled by small children without the permanent danger of developing all kinds of allergies and even asthma.

It is available in black or white and you can purchase it for about $400, which is not a fortune if you come to think of your children’ s health. You can visit the official Stadler web site for further information.

Movie theme living room

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 01:59 PM PST

I have loved movies ever since I can remember. I remember that I was too little to be able to read and I begged my mother to read me the subtitles for the movies I watched on TV in order to better understand what was going on. That is why I think I would love to have a movie themed living room (in a virtual perfect world where I can do whatever I want and my husband loves movies, too – I mean the same movies). Well, how about a real-life sized models of the Terminator robots to keep you company when you watch your horror movies and play those darn video games? Of course I was talking to you, guys, now. And it is not that important that these ugly creatures cost about $20,000 as long as they bring the scary atmosphere of the movie into your living room.

But the girls can find a lot of movie-related items for the living room a lot easier. For example a carpet with Marylin Monroe on and even a nice wallpaper that allows you to admire the diva the minute you opened your eyes. Or maybe a nice-looking black and white art photo of Audrey Hepburn taken from the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’ s”. Oh, if you decorate your living room with this framed portrait and try to have the whole living room design in black and white, the effect will be terrific.

Jacuzzi bathtubs benefits

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 01:56 PM PST

There’s no man living in a normal country who hasn’t heard of jacuzzi bathtubs and who hasn’t dreamed of having one at home. Indeed, jacuzzi bathtubs are a popular choice for the modern homes these days not only because they are fashionable, but because they can have beneficial effects on the human body. I mean after a bath in the jacuzzi bathtub you will feel better both physically and mentally because it is proven that this kind of bath is an excellent stress reliever.

It is perfect for your body, too, because it has a positive effect on the blood circulation thanks to the jets of air and water that spray the skin and act as a stimulator for your body circulation. If you suffer from any kind of back pain or neck pain, then you will find your jacuzzi a gift from God because it will massage you with dozens of little fingers through the little opening in the bathtub.

Last, but not least, it will have a positive effect on your love life, too, because women simply love a romantic evening in a jacuzzi bathtub and if you lower the light, play some slow music in the background and bring two champagne glasses near the steamy jacuzzi bathtub you will certainly impress your girlfriend or wife. So make sure you order a model for two and choose the best model to fit your bathroom overall design.

But apart from all these, consider the size of the jacuzzi bathtub and see if it fits your bathroom, make sure it is the same color as the tiles and flooring in your bathroom and also that it is properly installed. After all, you wouldn’t want to have a jacuzzi that does not work at all because you can’t connect it to an appropriate power supply. And you wouldn’t want any loose wires either or else it could be the last bath you ever take. Now seriously, make sure everything is installed appropriately and with maximum seriousness.

Bookshelves staircaise

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 01:46 PM PST

I know the idea is not new and many designers have developed it into different projects, but when you do not have enough space for storing your books, your music CDs or even your collection of bottles of wine, you can store all these items and even more (I can think of it as a marvelous storing place for my collection of shoes that does not fit anywhere).

As you can see from the photos, the stairs are irregularly displayed in two rows, one for each foot. So you can step on one staircase and then alternately on the other and this movement will be natural , as they are at different levels. It is a perfect bookshelf or a shelf for any other items like CDs, DVDs, files with important documents or … shoe boxes. It all depends on your imagination and what you need to store.

Because your safety is very important, these bookshelf staircases have two nets on both sides which are secured to the wood and to the bars made of metal. You can walk up these stairs only to get to a suspended bookcase, which seems like a real adveenture to me, looking at it only in the pictures. However, it is an interesting and original concept and project.

The Light Carpet from Imu

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 12:46 PM PST

I love unusual things and I see one every once in a while on the Internet or in a shop window and I am a bit happier that day. For example today I saw a very unusual carpet , in a photo , of course, but still it was out of the ordinary. I am talking about the Light carpet that was designed by a very talented team of designers in Finland, working for Imu.

This very unusual carpet is unique because it you can walk on it, but it can also light in the dark. That happens because it is made of a strange combination of thin rope and a long thin luminescent  thread inside this rope. It is sort of knotted rather than woven and can take various shapes, the most usual one being the round shape.

It offers you protection for the feet against the cold of the floor and also a nice soft light to guide you in the night. There is a premium version of this rug that comes with a very nice light show.


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