Monday, November 22, 2010



Bohemian bed by Cinova Busnelli

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 11:14 AM PST

I associate the word Bohemian with Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” and also with the Bohemian crystal. When I first saw this Bohemian bed that was presented by Cinova Busnelli on his company’s web site I thought of purity and crystal clear purity. I imagined an immaculate room that was prepared for a princess or for an angel. This bed looks nothing like the modern beds that are on the market nowadays and it looks from another world.

And it really is from another world, as the design was inspired from the old eighteenth and nineteenth century era , but adjusted a bit to match the modern era. That is the designer Cinova Busnelli took the old concept and added modern details, making it fit for a modern bedroom and also comfortable and nice-looking.

As you can see, there are more different versions of this bed, two of them being presented here, in these two photos. The overall design of the bed is not changed , but only the color of the mattress changes.

It’s a king size bed, with a nice tufted headboard that is totally hand made and has a folded cover all around the bed. You can just match the color of the mattress with the color of the curtains and the carpet and you have got yourself a nice-looking bedroom without much effort.

Elegant black and red bedroom

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 09:43 AM PST

People do everything they can to make their homes look their best. But many can’t afford hiring an interior designer for that and try to manage the home design by themselves. And the first rule is to pick a predominant color for every room and to try to stick to it and buy all the furniture, the carpet and decorations in that particular color. If you do not do that and buy randomly colored things in your house, you will have a very colorful chaos that does not look so appealing.

But if you think that having only one color in a room is too boring or too difficult , you should try a nice combination between two colors. The most recommended colors for combinations are black and white with whatever other color you may want. But if you want to have a nice, but still vibrant bedroom that shows sensuality and style you may think of a red and black bedroom .

Look at these photos and you can pick whatever details you want for obtaining a nice-looking and elegant bedroom colored in red and black. Of course it is not necessary for you to exaggerate and paint even the walls in red or black, but you should try to purchase the right furniture, carpet, paintings and other decorative details.

Sometimes the combination with the white walls and other white items in the room (for example a simple white chair) is even more elegant and stylish and less dark. But if you do decide to have such a red and black bedroom and you do not have white walls, you might consider having very big windows , as you do not use the bedroom only at night and it might look creepy in the daylight if it does not have enough light.


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