Saturday, October 30, 2010

[OntarioCaliforniaFreecycle] WANTED: Items for a deployed soldier for Christmas (San Bernardino)


I've adopted a single soldier who is currently deployed. I will be
sending him a box for Christmas in a couple of weeks. (It can take 4 - 8
weeks for the box to get there). I would like to know if anyone would be
willing to donate items to the box. I will cover all shipping and packing

Here's a list of things he likes:

Action Movies
Crystal Light
He's a Red Sox and Celtics Fan
Favorite TV show is Smallville
Wheat Thins
Favorite Soap is Irish Spring
Action/Adventure Books
Mach III razors
Beef or Oriental Ramen
Teriyaki Jerky
Gatorade (he didn't say what flavor)

I was also thinking if anyone has children who would like to draw or color
pictures for him that would be great. He says the thing he misses most are
his children. So maybe some children's art would make him smile.

If you would like to just donate a card wishing him well or merry Christmas
I would be willing to put those in the box as well.

Thanks in advance

*edited by moderator to conform to freecycle rules*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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